At Bodyfix, our dedicated NDIS Registered Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists support our NDIS patients in working toward their goals. This not only includes managing pain, but also improving function, independence, and the ability to participate in the things the Client values most.
Bodyfix Charters Towers: Wheelchair access for their therapy room and rehabilitation gym
Bodyfix Clermont: Wheelchair access for entire clinic
Bodyfix Hughenden: Wheelchair access for entire clinic
Bodyfix Richmond: Wheelchair access for entire clinic
Bodyfix Townsville: Wheelchair access for entire clinic
Home visits are available upon request.
Baseline measures are reassessed 2 months prior to the plan review. Based on these measures, the requests and recommendations from the treating practitioner are updated and sent to the Client's Service Coordinator for review (or to the Client if self-managed). This process determines if sessions will continue and if the frequency and duration of sessions need to be changed.
Reviews occur frequently to ensure the Client's treatment is helping them in working toward their goals and remains suitable for their funding.
Client or Service Coordinator contacts Bodyfix expressing interest to utilise our services.
Bodyfix will seek relevant information including a copy of the client's NDIS Plan (directly from the Client if self-managed, or from their Service Coordinator if a planned or portal Client).
Client will book for and attend a 1-hour initial consultation with either a Physiotherapist or Exercise Physiologist (depending on the services required)
The clinician will establish the following:
Discuss history (medical and muscular/injuries, medications)
Assess baseline measures (e.g. range of movement, strength, fitness, pain level)
Ideal frequency and duration of sessions
Following the initial consultation, the reception team will book the Client in for their next appointment.
All information discussed in the initial consultation is used to design a tailored service agreement. The Client and Service Coordinator will both receive a copy of the service agreement via email.
Bodyfix will contact the Client to arrange a consistent appointment schedule that suits both the lifestyle and the service agreement of the Client.
Client returns a signed service agreement before or at their next appointment.
NDIS stands for National Disability Insurance Scheme. Bodyfix Physiotherapy & Exercise Physiology are a Registered Provider with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission. This means we are accredited to offer high standard health services to NDIS clients, in accordance with the NDIS Practice Standards and Code of Conduct. We give our clients the best value we can within their funding and work with them every step of the way to simplify the process. We know the NDIS system very well and can answer any questions you may have. If we don’t have an answer, we will find out for you.
As with all fees associated with the scheme, NDIS Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology fees are based on the schedule created by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). The NDIA regulates service fees to help ensure participants get consistent service and good value for money from their supports.
NDIS updates their pricing regularly - typically every 12 months. The costs for different supports are published in a document called ‘NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits’. This document is available to the public to allow both NDIS participants and support providers to understand the set pricing controls. You can access the 2021-22 NDIS pricing document here.