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Purchase a 5 Pass Pack and receive 1 Pass FREE
This pass entitles you to five of any of the following classes: Pilates Matwork, Video Reformer,  Hydrotherapy, Aging Stronger 50+years Class, Circuit Class & Open Gym Classes. Pass packs are not exclusive to one class.

Expires in 3 months from purchase.

You will be alerted when you have reached your final pass.

Charters Towers 5 Pack Studio Class Pass

Workcover for physiotherapy and exercise physiology
Exercise Sports Science Association
Member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association
Ravenswood Gold Mining
Department of Veterans Affairs Physiotherapy and Exercise Physiology
NDIS registered provider
Minjar Gold
Medicare Chronic Disease Management Plans
Workhab Assessor and Evaluator
Australian Health Professionals Regulation Agency
Jobfit Evaluations
HICAPS available in clinic
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